Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well, it's just like Murphy to intervene when I get the chance to have a full night's sleep... Last night, Kael slept through the night (he's done it a few times in the last couple of weeks) and it would have been awesome - but Edie woke up at about 1 or 2 am and, true to Edie style, didn't want to sleep in her bed but also didn't want to sleep in our bed; she wanted the dolls that she went to sleep with out of her bed but then she wanted them with her; she wanted me to cover her but she didn't want to be covered... This little Gemini person we have in the family is so much like the split personality astrological sign she was born under. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't believe that those things determine your personality but there is something about the way people are when they are born under certain star signs...
For example, Juliette is our Cancerian and hence, is the drama queen of the family. Jordan is our Picean and he is the one who is wiser and more likely to have thought things through so that he's absolutely sure he can do something before he takes the first steps to doing it. Eden is the Gemini, as I've mentioned - she is as cute as a button one minute and can be the biggest little terrorist the next. Kael is just barely starting to show his personality - he's Taurean (stubborn) so we'll see how this one pans out.

So... back to the sleeping thing. One day I know I'll be sleeping through the night again. I just hope that the day comes soon. I am also just glad this is the last time we have to do this - from teething to potty training. Having 4 kids is awesome and I've loved each of my babies but I'm so grateful we don't have to have babies forever. Now we can all grow up and older and enjoy different phases of being a family of 6.