Kael is now walking all over the place. He started at just after 13 months - the day after he 'turned' 13 months old. Now he's starting to talk too - he says words that are probably only understood by us but it's communication nonetheless so we are getting there. I love this age - from about 12m to 3y. They learn SO much in these years and are just so cute. I really am glad that we've been able to do this 4 times so we can get our 'fill' from doing it and not thinking, in a few years' time, that we want to have another baby because we miss the baby stages or milestones. I am happy that our kids are growing up and am loving that they are all developing the way they should. Being a parent rocks!!!
ps Kael is now 14 months old (just 4 months till Nursery - yay!!!) :D
i love hearing all these milestones! X