Monday, June 28, 2010

Our little walkie talkie...

Kael is now walking all over the place. He started at just after 13 months - the day after he 'turned' 13 months old. Now he's starting to talk too - he says words that are probably only understood by us but it's communication nonetheless so we are getting there. I love this age - from about 12m to 3y. They learn SO much in these years and are just so cute. I really am glad that we've been able to do this 4 times so we can get our 'fill' from doing it and not thinking, in a few years' time, that we want to have another baby because we miss the baby stages or milestones. I am happy that our kids are growing up and am loving that they are all developing the way they should. Being a parent rocks!!!

ps Kael is now 14 months old (just 4 months till Nursery - yay!!!) :D

8th birthday approaching...

Julie has been begging us for ages to let her have her ears pierced and I have always said that our girls could choose when they got to 8 because my parents had it done to me when I was 3 years old and it was quite a shock (I vomited all over my aunt - LOL!). And despite all Julie's begging earlier in the year, I stuck to my guns and finally the time came. We said she can do it before her birthday so her ears aren't sore and so the 'trauma' of it doesn't spoil the happiness of the birthday so we went in on Saturday and had it done.

Now it's not like when I had my ears pierced (in fact I think it may just have been the place we went to that made it so different) nevertheless, we went in, she chose her earrings and then they did it. Here's where it becomes a bit of a shock to me: in stead of a 'gun' which shoots the earrings in, quite quickly and less painfully, this one was like a stapler! It was literally like the woman took a stapler and pushed the earrings through my little girl's ears - with all the technological advances, you'd think they could come out with something even less primitive, not regress!! I was so proud of her because she was SO brave. She didn't even wince or pull away once. She did say that it was sore and not what she expected but she didn't cry or complain any more than that. I am truly SO proud of her - my big little girl!! She's a champion of note.

Kids quip(s) of the day...

Jordy's turn :)
"Mom, I like it when my food is hot, it makes my boobies warm."
Gotta love it!